
2004 Milestones

The documentation of Be-Free’s specialized workshops:

The documentation of Be-Free’s specialized workshops with the purpose of allowing trainers throughout the world to use the materials produced by Be-Free and communicate the core concepts to children regardless of their location.  The workshops are documented in the form of “manuals” which include life skills, protection skills, child rights and ways to build a stronger personality. 

The launch of a helpline to receive calls from children and caregivers:

The launch of a helpline to receive calls from children on trails basis with the purpose of further understanding the needs and possible proportions of such operation. The line was aimed at children who have been subjected to or were at risk of being subjected to abuse. Furthermore the mentioned helpline accommodated caregivers who were in need of advice on ways to deal with children in the mentioned situations. 

The integration of children with disabilities into workshops conducted by Be-Free:

The Be-Free program organized workshops that hosted children with impairments/disabilities in an attempt to study and understand the special needs of this group and develop specific guides and programs to accommodate their needs. This stage focused on four types of impairments/disabilities; motor disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment and minor mental disabilities. 

Peer to peer training through the “Be-Free Friends” initiative:

The Be-Free program launched a peer to peer training initiative under the title “The Be-Free Friends” with the purpose of training children on basic life skills by their own peers. Towards this end; the Be-Free center provides intensive training to a group of children on skills such as basic life skills, emotional intelligence, protection skills in addition to communication skills that enables them to effectively deliver the message. The children empowered with the Be-Free culture and knowledge take the lead on empowering others and spreading concepts of protection and confidence. 

"Be Free" Main Sponsor


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