
2003 Milestones

The introduction of Basic Life Skills in all workshops:

The introduction of basic life skills as a principal component in all workshops aimed at promoting child protection. Furthermore, the Be-Free program tailored individual workshops focusing on each life skill. The life skills trained by Be-Free include skills endorsed by the UNICEF such as the ability to find solutions, make decisions, accept responsibility and engage in critical thinking, empathy and effective communication.

The conduct of interactive workshops for parents and caregivers:

The Be-Free program organized a series of interactive workshops for parents and caregivers with the aim of increasing awareness on the topic of child protection. The workshops are designed to prevent unintended neglect, physical or emotional abuse by caregivers. Further, the workshops discuss the role of the family, its stability as a unit and the nature of relationships between the parents and the rest of the family in exposing children and young people to various types of abuse.  

The Be-Free program trained more than 8000 caregiver by year 2011. The training included enhanced child rearing skills and promoted ways to nurture children and youth to possess higher levels of emotional intelligence and strengthened personalities.

The establishment of ties with public and private schools:

The establishment of collaborating ties with public and private schools to deliver workshops under the themes “Protection from Abuse” and “Basic Life Skills”. The program has successfully conducted workshops in kindergartens, elementary schools, middle schools and high schools across the country. The workshops were conducted both in school premises and in the Be-Free center.

"Be Free" Main Sponsor


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